Behold the Ultimate Relaxation; Super Real Pleasure with Little Devil Girls, this is the long-awaited 6th number 6th installment of the blockbuster best seller of Toysheart's Sweet Seventeen series ! In this episode, a playful looking girl is willing to do whatever pleases you in exchange for candies. be it a lollipop or a candy cane or colorfully wrapped sweet. The inner canal is broken into 2 unique structures for your enjoyment. The first segment offers you a relaxing ride with simple wrinkles from the orifice entrance, following by a narrowing structure in the middle portion that squeezes you tight until you are breathless with a 'Pipe Gimmick zone'. Push you way through and experience real pleasure by doing so. The rice field grainy structure at the end permits you explode within the sweet seventeen hole. Size:Length 170mm X Width 57mm X Inner Length 148mm 日本銷售第一R17改版新作 多重皺摺刺激,同時讓潤滑液平均分佈 中段鑲嵌緊縮環,處女設計超刺激 底部顆粒遍佈,集中刺激龜頭 17歲飛機杯系列一直都是Toys Heart的王牌產品。經過多年的發展,終於進化到這款,T 一款強調子宮感覺的究極飛機杯!外形雖然和以往的17歲差不多,但內部構造經過精品的改進和設計,所有內紋也非常明顯,帶出插入時的磨擦感覺,重點是在中尾段位置以不同的物料設置了一個緊緻的圓環,以模仿你插進子宮時的特殊體驗! 尺寸:長 Length 170mm X 寬 Width 57mm X 内部長 Inner Length 148mm 重量:250g 材質:TPE 特色:真人感柔軟構造 包裝尺寸:W155×H210×D65mm 製造地:MADE IN JAPAN